Te neonach!
(Chunnaic mi daoine fada nas neonaiche ann an saoghal na Gaidhlig. Sin sgeul eile. :-) )
Dia gràdhach gu dearbh! Bha Criosdaidhean, Muslamaich, Hinduich, agus Buddhaich nam bathadh... an robh iad uile cho dona?
'Columnist Rajeev Srinivasan pointed to several religion-related factors he sees as pertinent. Referring to the earthquake as the "Christmas quake," he implied that the timing wasn’t mere coincidence. He also noted that the tsunami hit a church at Velankanni, one of the most significant Christian pilgrimage points in South India, resulting in the death of 50 people. Finally, he connected the tragedy to what many see as the recent mistreatment of a revered Hindu leader.'
Stuth eile bho America.
:"We sincerely hope and pray that all 20,000 Swedes are dead, their bodies bloated on the ground or in mass graves or floating at sea feeding sharks and fishes or in the bellies of thousands of crocodiles washed ashore by tsunamis. These filthy, faggot Swedes have a satanic, draconian law"
Uill, nise, nach eil Iain MacLeoid snog ri comais ri sin?
Marcus 2.27