Feileadh-dha no grain-cinnidh?
Trioplaid mor ann am Missouri beag...
"Unintentionally, Nate has become even more recognisable in recent weeks. He attended the school's "Silver Arrow" dance in November dressed in a red kilt, the colours of his family clan. Once photos of Nate and his girlfriend were taken to mark the special occasion, the young man was told [by the headmaster] he couldn't join his fellow students inside because the kilt would cause a distraction."
Smaoinich mi gun robh an stuth seo a' tachairt direach ann an Alba. Uill, thachair e an seo o chionn goirid nuair a thubhairt bouncers ann an Obar Dheathain gun robh feileadh toirmisgte sa phub aca.
Trioplaid mor ann am Missouri beag...
"Unintentionally, Nate has become even more recognisable in recent weeks. He attended the school's "Silver Arrow" dance in November dressed in a red kilt, the colours of his family clan. Once photos of Nate and his girlfriend were taken to mark the special occasion, the young man was told [by the headmaster] he couldn't join his fellow students inside because the kilt would cause a distraction."
Smaoinich mi gun robh an stuth seo a' tachairt direach ann an Alba. Uill, thachair e an seo o chionn goirid nuair a thubhairt bouncers ann an Obar Dheathain gun robh feileadh toirmisgte sa phub aca.
'Feileadh-dha no grain-cinnidh?'
Chan e ach dìreach amadieas agus aineolas a th'ann, agus a-nis tha am principal ud ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghal mar sàr-amadan. Sin thu fhèin Nathan, cùm ort 'ille!
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