Death and taxis
Is cinnteach nach eil rud sam bith eile cinnteach ach bas fhein, agus tacsaidhean.
Aidh, tacsaidhean cosgail, mar na tacsaidhean a chur an Toraidh Daibhidh MacGill'Eididh a-mach. Uill, tha Comhairle Dhun Eideann (neo "Edinbvrgh Council" - tha "v" ann!) a' dol air an aon rathad a-reir an Evening News:
"The figures show seven senior councillors [Labaraich], including council leader Donald Anderson, made a total of 488 trips at a cost to the taxpayer of more than £3500 over a year from November 2004 to October last year...The cost to the taxpayer of Cllr Anderson's trips was close to £1500 for the year."
Labaraich, Toraidhean - de an diofar?